In modern soccer, passing technique is considered the key principle of the collective game. After a brief conceptual approach, we will present a series of exercises to work passing technique through contextualized plays.
In soccer, the pass is part of the collective technique – the actions that can put together two or more players of the same team, in search of collective benefit.
Furthermore, pass can be defined as the technical action that establishes a connection between two elements of the team through the ball transmission, in order to reach its destiny as fast as possible.
With passing, players can have different goals:
- Reach, from a collective perspective, the center of the game on the opponent’s goal
- Ensure the ball possession (withdraw from pressure)
- Temporize the offensive play rhythm
- Create a favorable situation for another team mate to score (assist)
- Shift the game orientation
Passing can be classified according different criteria:

After this brief theoretical approach, we present you a series of exercises for passing, avoiding analytic work and making it contextualized:
- Passing exercises
- Ball possession exercises
- Small games
- Rondos
Exercise 1 – Standardized 6×0

- Passing and scoring exercise
- Making a collective combination with no opposition towards the opponent’s goal
- Rotation always to the right
- Always start 2 times from the right side, and 2 times from the left side.
- Variate passing technic – short/long, inside/outside
- Scoring – rectify body position, foot position, surface in contact with the ball
- Half field
Exercise 2 – Sectoral 7×3

- In one of the sides we play 4×2
- 4 passes and they can put the ball on the other side where is 3×1
- The defenders alternate on the ball side with 2 and on the empty side with 1
- The player who steals the ball or is playing for the longest time give way to another defender
- When they make the transition, 1 of the offensive players switch sides too, preferably by proximity
- Ball possession
- Reception, passing and mobility work
- 30x40m
Exercise 3 – Ball possession 8×4+2N

- 8×4+2N
- 4 try to recover the ball
- 2 N play inside only with 1 touch
- 8 offensive players with only 2 touches
- Ball possession
- Play inside and outside
- Reception, passing and mobility work
- 40x50m
Exercise 4 – Sectoral 4×4+4N

- 1×1+1N per sector
- N play only with one touch
- Try to make 3 passes within a sector, and pass through all 4 sectors
- Minimum of 3 passes in a sector – 1 point
- Passing and mobility
- Cover and contention
- Cover the ball carrier
- Defensive transition – cover up
- 35x40m
Exercise 5 – Scoring 2×2+8N

- 2×2 with scoring
- 8N play outside the box, only with 1 touch and can’t play between them
- Minimum of 4 passes to attack the goal
- Interior and exterior play – search for the best passing line
- Passing and mobility
- Cover and contention
- Defensive transition – cover up
- Penalty area
Exercise 6 – Small Game 6×6+4N

- 6×6 with 2 N in each side lane. The N can’t go in the central lane
- Every player must touch the ball first to score a goal – 1 point
- For a recovery to be considered, they must do at least 2 passes after gaining the ball back – 1 point
- N can’t play between them
- Passing and mobility
- Play safely – offensive cover or lateral supporters
- Attract and vary
- Half field
Exercise 7 – 8×8 with 4 doors

- 8×8 with 4 doors
- Must do at least 1 pass in each sector to attack the goal
- In offensive transition can attack the side doors
- Passing and mobility
- Play safely – offensive cover or lateral supporters
- Attract and vary
- Half field