Performance and Video Analysis is a relatively recent activity within the coaching processes but is spreading very fast and becoming a commonly used tool within technical teams.
Performance and Video Analysis allows you to:
- Evaluate individual player performance
- Evaluate own team performance
- Analyse opponent team
- Learn with the best
- Explore a multitude of factors that influence your results
Recent studies demonstrated that, after a session, humans are only able to recall between 30-50% of the key moments that they noticed, this means that after a match or a training session coaches can only remember less than half of the situations that were important. Video analysis helps to overcome this human limitation and they can recall all the key moments and take action over them.
The evolution of technologies and the decrease in prices is now making it possible to most teams and coaches to record their games and training sessions and analyse in detail them later.
Video Analysis is now days much more affordable and accessible to most teams and coaches.
Not so long ago only top teams and elite sports could afford to use video analysis, the recording gear and video editing software were very expensive and require technical expertise and the sports performance solutions that offer video analysis were also expensive and complex, requiring a long learning curve and a special set of equipment.

In the last couple of years new technologies are making the recording of video easy and affordable (even a smartphone/tablet can record high definition video) and new software offerings are user friendly and fast to learn. As technologies are getting easier to use and manage, coaches no longer need to be technology experts to deal with it. Those factors are allowing Performance and Video Analysis to spread and democratize among teams and coaches, to all sports and to different competition levels, leveraging sports competitiveness and allowing smaller teams to prepare better.
Performance and Video Analysis now appears in coaching and sports management seminars and education sessions, and some leading Universities are including this as a discipline in some of their Sports degrees.
With this new solutions, coaches can easily review matches and training sessions, tag individual or collective key moments, for both their team and opponent team. With this information, they can do a better programming of team’s working sessions in order to prepare and perform better in the future.
“Failing to prepare, is prepare to fail”
John Wooden, ‘Wizard of Westwood’
As so, by using Performance and Video Analysis technical teams can collect and review key moments of matches and training sessions, allowing them to:
1) Evaluate individual player performance
- Identify key strengths and weaknesses of players.
- Identify areas to work with the players individually
- Produce individual player videos with bad moments to help them understand weaknesses or with good plays to motivate them.
- Produce videos of their direct opponents so they can study them and prepare for the match
- Produce scouting reports about players to help team managers in the player selling/buying decisions
- Identify the right players and the next talents
2) Evaluate own team performance
- Identify errors and team weaknesses so you can act;
- Identify good moments and team strengths
- Analyse complete matches
- Analyse set plays (why is working, why is not working)
- Detect team and player behaviours to correct
3) Analyse opponent team
- Identify strengths and study how to stop them
- Identify weaknesses and how to explore them
- Search and identify playing patterns
- Detect behaviours and key players
- Map key plays and players movements within

16 Jornada – Benfica x Maritimo – Benfica
4) Learn with the best
- Analyse and study how best teams play and work
- Learn and improve watching how they do
- Identify new play patterns and tactics that you can use
5) Other areas
- Use video to search and analyse for possible reasons of recurring injuries
- Psychological evaluation by analysis of players expressions and body language
Let me just end by reminding that in modern sports teams should train and play but they also have responsibilities in supporting all the team marketing and supporter oriented activities and also funds and sponsor raising. As so, Performance and Video Analysis tools can also be valuable in this area, as they can produce information and videos that can be valuable assets to use in those areas.