Easy steps to start your first analysis
1. On the right side of your screen click on + ADD TO ANALYSIS
2. If you already have a team and players created, insert the data regarding the match, including Match type, Date, Bench, and Teams’ Lineups, Referee and Coaches.
3. If it is your First Analysis:
(1) Click on Create Team
(2) Choose New Team Name and Confirm
(3) Click on Add Player to create a new player
(4) Fill with Player Information (Nº, Position, Name, Bench or L(11) if he started in the game line up)
(5) Click Save to confirm the creation of a new player
(6) Add a Staff Member
(7) Do the same process, for the Away Team
(8) After the Teams and Players are created, click Next
4. Now, it will appear a screen:
(1) Select the color of the team
(2) Select the lineup, by dragging the players to the tactical board
(3) Click Next, to go for the opposite lineup and team color
5. Now, Choose the other team color
(1) – Opposite team
(2) – Choose opposite team color
6. Click Next to advance to the game video upload
7. To upload your game video, please click on Select file
8. A Window will open:
(1) Select the file from your computer that you want to upload
(2) Click Open
Note: It is possible to associate multiple videos, just select them and click open and/ or drag & drop then open
9. The video will appear, now click Start Upload to upload the video to VO Stats
10. The video upload of the game will start
Note: Please don’t leave this page until the upload is fully completed.
10. Once the video upload is completed you will be redirected back to the match page. Now, click on Start Analysis to send the match for us to analyze
11. It will appear now appear in the screen a message: Breakdown is now in progress.
Note: If you did not meant to start the analysis, and/or you want to add or chose other videos, please click “I’ve forgot something, please stop the analysis“
12, Finally, to associate the video that you upload into VO Stats, to the game you want to be analyzed, on the right of your screen, click More Actions
13. Click on Associate Video
14. Click on the video of the game that you uploaded to VO Stats
15. Now your video is associated with the match, and we can start your analysis 🙂