Edit / Delete a Field Action

Learn how to edit and/or delete a field action that you tagged in VO Elite

  1. Click on Analysis

2. On the right of your screen click Start Game

3. On the right of your screen click again Start Game to go to your match

4. Click on actions list under the timeline

5. Click on the pencil tool to start editing.

6. Choose the filter that you want to change and edit it.

7. You can edit or change time by clicking on the time button

7.1. Move the bars to edit the time of a chosen action

7.2. Click on the Check Button to Save changes

8. You can edit or change field zone (direction of the attack) by clicking on it

8.1. Then go to the field on the right side of your screen and click on the swap button to change the direction of the teams

8.2. To apply the changes on the action you’re editing you must click on the field to finish the process

9. You can edit or change a player by clicking on the player responsible for the action

9.1. Then go to the side menu of the previous page and click on the player you want to be the correct one associated to the action you’re editing

10. You can edit or change the action by clicking on it

10.1. Then a menu of all the actions will pop up at the right side of your screen. Just click on the correct action for it to apply

11. Click on the X button to delete the action that you created

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